How to apply for non-residentship in Canada?

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  1. #1

    Question How to apply for non-residentship in Canada?

    I've already moved to Hong Kong. Apparently I did in a rush. Long story. So anyone knows what the procedure is to become a non-resident Canadian in order to be exempted from taxation? Can I do it from HK? THANK YOU.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Yes you can do it from Hong Kong. You'll need this form:

    You can wait till you get a job in here before you file that. You'll definitely want to do it before it's time to file T1, though. If you don't, and you file NR73 later you'll need to explain what happened to you for the years in between.

    You don't have to cut ALL ties to Canada neither; I kept my driver's license, SIN card and credit cards. You just need to cancel your Provincial healthcare before you file NR73.

  3. #3


    Thanks for you advice. The truth is I'm working in Hong Kong now, for almost 2 years (September) already.
    Does that mean I need to surrender the health card in person? Which means I need to do some travelling....

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by newbigland:
    Does that mean I need to surrender the health card in person? Which means I need to do some travelling....
    You can if you want to.

    I just mailed mine back to them. Write/call them first, they'll tell you what to do.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    I heard that I need to file myself to be a non-residentship prior to submit the application for my passport renewal in Hong Kong. Please advise.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    No you don't have to. Non-residency only matters to Canada Revenue Agency for taxation purpose.

    What you've probably heard is you need to surrender your citizenship before you get your HK passport. Unless you go out of your way to let HK Immigration know about your Canadian citizenship, they wouldn't care.