Hi! I am a single female, early 30s. I am currently considering a job offer in HK. I am planning to rent a unit at TSO area, 2 rooms to myself which will cost me around HKD7.5k according to gohome.com.
I need to make sure on the following (based on one-person occupancy):
1. What is the basic power cost? payable monthly?
2. What is the basic water cost?
3. What is the basic gas cost?
4. What is the basic fixed line phone cost?
5. What is the basic broadband cost?
6. If we eat out Mon-Fri, is HKD80/day enough to cover for 3 meals? just normal food.
7. Income tax deductible monthly?
8. Income tax is charged on the amount nett of the 5% MPF?
9. Rental posted on gohome.com negotiable?
I know most of you answered the questions above before, but I am not sure whether the rates were advised before were based on per family or for single people like me.