Chai Wan

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  1. #1

    Chai Wan

    Dear all,

    Could anyone give me some input about life in Chai Wan? How long does it take to get to Central (actually I am only worried about the evening rush hour since I will start working at 7 am at the latest).

    I am planning to spend max. 12,000 HKD on rent in Chai Wan. What apartment size do you think I should expect in terms of square feet (fully furnished vs. unfurnished)?

    Thanks a lot!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Cramped island

    why chai wan ? which part of chai wan ?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Moving2HK:
    Dear all,

    How long does it take to get to Central

    I am planning to spend max. 12,000 HKD on rent in Chai Wan.
    Did you mean Wan Chai? Why would you stay on the other end of the island to work in Central?

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    >> Why would you stay .....

    Because you can get to Central comfortably in 30 minutes or less on the MTR and the rents are cheap?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by KnowItAll:
    >> Why would you stay .....

    Because you can get to Central comfortably in 30 minutes or less on the MTR and the rents are cheap?
    I know, but for a 12K budget?

    KIA, Happy New Year to you and family. May 2007 bring about the Nasdaq listing

  6. #6


    Yes of course costs are a factor pro Chai Wan (not Wanchai). Basically I am looking for sth. below 12k HKD in a quiet area but within 30 min to Central. You think that's possible? 600 square feet would be more than enough. Any recommendations as to where I should stay?

    My main critera are:
    - max. 30 min to work
    - max. 12k HKD
    - min. 400 square feet
    - MTR close by if possible
    - Park N Shop not too far

    Of course those are high expectations. But why not give it a try.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    For 12K, and 500 sqft - you should be able to get something in Happy Valley (no MTR, but plenty of transport). For MTR - Taikoo Shing / Kornhill should be doable. Its a bit noisy around the mall, but I heard it is quiet and clean in the upper blocks of Kornhill..

  8. #8

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Siu Sai Wan

    I agree with what Back2HK said, try Taikoo/Kornhill. MTR station, shopping centres, etc. Still affordable. For $12k or less you will be able to get something around 700sqft. Chai Wan is too far out, you can do a lot better than that for $12k.

  9. #9


    Dear all,

    Thanks for all the answers. I guess I am going to take a closer look at:

    Kennedy Town - Manhattan Heights and The Merton
    Happy Valley - Could anyone recommend a certain complex?
    Chai Wan - Island Resort
    Taikoo Shing/Kornhill - Could anyone recommend a certain complex?

    Another question: actually I like it quiet and as much green around me as possible. I know that HK is quite the opposite. But, would you think that I can find more of this in Chai Wan?

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Cramped island

    one place i recommend friends is grand promenade at sai wan ho..
    at least you see some trees and its not that far from town.

    heng fa chun would meet your criteria if you are even willing to consider up to island resort.

    it also depends on whether you are alone or with family..

    Last edited by freeier; 31-12-2006 at 10:24 PM.

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