taxes on wine

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    taxes on wine

    my wife and i will be moving to Hong kong in three months' time and we have a not too small collection of wine--about 150 bottles. if we bring them with us do we have to pay taxes and if so how much will that be??

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    not worth shipping it over- your shipping company can give you the tax rates. Its a fixed amount per bottle.

    On the other hand, the shipping company may allow you to "sneak" in a few bottles (30-40) as part of your overall shipping but at your own risk i.e. if customs open it and find the wine, your problem.

    I suggest that despite wine being expensive in HK, you have a large party in your home location and drink away the wine and don't bother shipping it.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2006
    on the road again

    Unless they're kept in a special temperature controlled thingie in the container, it's never a good idea to bring wine over on a boat, anyway. Leave the better quality bottles home and the rest you can hide in your removal by having the removalists label the boxes as "miscellanius kitchen" or whatever. Thats what we do all the time.