That does - thanks. Now to check on house prices.
good relo company... only tried one, and that is one on a banner on this site. Very professional, about $10,000HK for 100cubic feet, door to door, pack and unpack each end.
Best places to live in Melbourne - Disco, if you want some room, and want to be able to talk to your neighbours, and have an affordable 3 bedroom house, double garage, nice yard... go west. serious. there are some real nice pockets west of melbourne, Atlona/Altona Meadows, Williamstown, then out further it gets a bit more "westy" as the property values drop a lot more. more suburban areas of melbourne in the inner west aren't too bad either, but all these places have "bad" areas too. generally property in West of Melbourne is cheap, good driving/roads, flat landscape, getting more towards rural areas... East is upper class, a lot more expensive, bad peak hour traffic, hilly terrain, nicer "beach" on the southside...
melbourne lifestyle rocks, if u love nice cafes, al fresco dining etc etc...
just my 2c worth...
never had to use an aussie forum, but did stumble across these:
no idea of the quality of info, but worth a peek to get a non-aussie's view of Oz...
Thanks guys on the advice. Although I think we are off the track a bit
We move to Melbourne mainly for our son to start school and we want to enjoy family time too. We will miss HK dearly but this is what we have to do at the moment.
Property in Melbourne has increased the price so much, rent is higher too.... signed...
We are looking for a moving company with reasonable price. Any help would be appreciated !
Last edited by cK123; 13-04-2007 at 04:44 PM.
After I read all these posting, I think the only way you will be able to decide where to live is find the school and either buy or rent near it. Other wise you will be driving all day or he/she will have to take public transport. Not a good idea if he/she is very young!!!
Best of luck.
Do you have a budget in mind? NB I don't believe sizes are quoted in square feet like they are in Hong Kong. I'm no expert, but coming from Melbourne I could probably give you a few thoughts on what you could expect to get (and what kind of area you'd be in) based on a description of amount and size.
I lived in East Melbourne which is also an area for the very wealthy if you want to buy a house. However, I managed to rented an apartment for a reasonable price. It was a lovely area within walking distance to the city and with wide streets and lots of parks (sigh)
Do you mind if I ask what school your son will be going to? If you don't know yet, private or public? Location will certainly be school driven
Last edited by muse07; 16-04-2007 at 01:23 PM.
Muse07: Thanks for the advice. We will live in Williamstown initially. I'm also looking for a pre-school for my 2 years old son in nearby area. Do you have any suggestion?