I have recently moved to Hong Kong and was hoping that people with a better understanding of how this place works would be able to help me with a problem.
I moved across from the UK a couple of weeks ago on a secondment for 2-3 years. I desparately want to get my girlfriend to move out here with me but whether this happens will be a function of what she can find by way of meaningful employment. I was hoping somebody would be able to offer some words of advice on how she should go about looking. Are there good/large generic recruitment agencies? Is the use of specialist recruiters/headhunters common here and if so, would anyone be able to recommend some good ones?
By means of background, she has four years of good work experience in sales & marketing in London. Most of this experience has been within the events/business tourism space but she is certainly open to looking outside this area.
On a more general point. Is it generally possible for someone in her situation to find an employer willing to organise the necessary work visa?
Any help will be very gratefully received!