a hell of alot of work!

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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Hong Kong.
    Quote Originally Posted by sunniefaith:
    Honestly, I've never heard of that before. Spore is pretty tax free except for ciggies and alcohol. When are you moving? Congrats!
    No tax. However, if you declare/label you media (esp. DVDs), the government censors might take interest and review them. If I am not mistake, there is (or at least used to be) a charge for each one reviewed.

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by BEL:
    No, we didn't have to do this - I just had to list what was in each moving box and then gave a value to the whole lot.

    So on the box with our Cd's / DVD's - they just had that labelled on the outside (no individual listing of titles).
    I just labeled each box on the outside also. Writing out hundreds of CD names seems like a monster waste of time. If they really insist, I had a friend who took a couple pictures of her CDs while they were still in the racks before a move, just so she would have a record of the titles. Actually, she took pictures of just about everything in her house before the move. You could try that.
    Last edited by hello_there; 14-05-2007 at 06:07 PM.