My husband is a head teacher with 10 years experience, and has been offered a curriculum coordinator job at an HK school. We are very keen on the job but worried about the package. Can you experienced HK people comment for us?
- The salary is just over HK 55000 a month. They say this higher than other schools in HK, which leads to the following low allowances.
- Rental assistance is just $4000 a month, which seems laughable to us.
- Flight reimbursement covers one-way flights but not return. There is no annual passage back (we had this in a previous international school contract).
- There is no relocation allowance. This is the part that worries us the most. When we relocated from Singapore back to Sydney 4 years ago it cost AUD$5000. I don't know what the cost would be now for Sydney-HK, but expect it would be higher than AUD$5000. This is a lot of money for a young family with 2 kids under 2 (hence, non-working wife) to come up with up front.
- They pay for children's schooling but only at their schools, and our children will be too young to take advantage of this.
- Medical insurance is included.
- 2 weeks in a hotel upon arrival while we look for a flat.
Is it a reasonable alternative to not ship furniture etc and buy that there? We have small children and will need cots seems a lot of stuff to buy again.
What other expenses should we expect up front in HK? I understand 3 months rent is required upfront as bond + first month rental. What other bonds are needed (electricity etc) and roughly how much should we expect?
We are wondering whether all these expenses and the cost of living will make it hardly worth relocating. The salary is more than he gets here and tax is lower, but if we are up for major $$$ relocating we need to know and make an informed decision about whether to go ahead.
Any advice warmly received!