If you don't need any international link services, you just need an account for HK used, then just go to smaller or newer bank. Don't open your account at those big international well branded bank.
Smaller or newer bank in HK will give much more convenience and easier step to open an account. Just bring in your initial deposit, address prove (any current bill with your name and address printed on it, some of the bank will accept your home country address. After approved, just change to what ever address you want, no need prove anymore.) and your ID (HKID or passport), they will do the rest for you (fill up the form, photocopy your document...etc). You just sit there listen to their explaination and signature at the end. That all!!!
The best thing was, no long queue at these kind of bank for your every visit.

If you have a big sum of money to deposit to the account, then you can go to the well branded bank, you can get the same service. Because you are their targeted market~premier client.

Such as KIA, PDLM...etc always enjoyed their premier services...ha..ha...ha..
Consider those smaller and newer bank in HK if international link services not your main concern.