Just moved our lab a few months ago from US to HK. We used PetRelocation.com and they were excellent, but be prepared for some sticker shock no matter which service you use. They handled everything w/ door to door delivery, including getting us the kennel. Knew which airlines were more pet friendly, experienced sending pets to HK from US, etc. I would suggest using some sort of service because there are so many details and if you don't cross all the t's your paper work will get rejected. They were also able to push our paperwork through the USDA much faster. They contracted w/ a local HK company (I think it was Export a Pet) to get the HK permit, get the dog through customs and delivery to our door. If you use an HK company for all the transport stuff it will be cheaper, but I used a US outfit because they were easier to contact time zone wise and understood the US side of getting the dog out of the country. Our dog arrived safe and sound and I won't worry so much on the return trip a few years from now. Export a Pet and Ferndale Kennels in HK are ones you may want to check out. They both have websites. I am sure other expats can give you other recommendations.
Best of Luck!