Want to move to Hong Kong

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  1. #1

    Smile Want to move to Hong Kong

    Hi my husband and I are considering a move to Hong Kong. I am a fully qualified teacher with 6 years exerience and my husband is currently self employed but does hold a degree. My husband grew up in Hong Kong but no longer has a valid ID card as he left to return to the UK at the age of 18. We would appreciate any advice on how to go about finding employment (think it would be easier if I had a job to go to and my husband came as a dependent), immigration issues etc.


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Not too difficult to get a job as a teacher in HK (Assuming you have the right qualifications) in the International schools.

    Might want to browse around the various websites like esf.edu.hk and see what their hiring schedules are like.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Besides the International schools you may wish to look up the EMB NET scheme that is done by the Government. This places teachers in local schools to teach English. The pay is decent.

    take a look at jobsdb.com and classifiedpost.com to see other job postings.

  4. #4


    Thanks for the advice guys, will check it out right away!

  5. #5

    If your husband was born in HK, or if he was not but stayed in HK for more than 7 years continuously, he might qualify to apply as HK permanent resident and have the ID card. However, please check with the immigration department to confirm if this is exactly the case.