The Move to HK - I'm scared!

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  1. #31

    Hi I am moving to HKG next month from the UK(Aussie)and are teriffied.Should I be?
    I have a job offer,etc,but trying to orgainse all the other stuff like renting out my house,the ensuing training ahead,finding school for the little one I am thinking should I?The stress just goes on and on.

  2. #32

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Kennedy Town

    It's funny to read these posts full of fear and anxiety. I bet if I searched, I could find the one I posted almost exactly a year ago.....with much the same worries. Yes, moving is stressful even if you're moving down the street but HK is so much cooler than down the street.

    If you're like me, you will be blowing hot and cold regularly. One moment really excited, the next thinking you're crazy. Most of us expats did that. But what kept me going was the thought of having the opportunity and not doing it. How could I cope with not even having a go at it?

    HK is great fun and personally I feel life is easier and less stressful somehow. Trust the people who are here that it's worth the bit of stress and the fear is really unwarranted.

    See you when you get here for some happy hour drinks!

  3. #33

    geoloboy - You only have to pay the incremental tax in the US. You are not liable for paying both taxes on the whole. If I am incorrect about this, please let me know. I need to work that into my reloc package if I am wronG!!

  4. #34

    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    United Kingdom, Essex

    Please do not be scared, at the end of the day if something doesn't turn out the way you thought at least you tried. If it makes you feel better have a backup plan or something!

    I'm moving to HK in October from UK, I have a TEFL... no degree and only a little money. I know I'm risking a lot (not looking for work until im out there) but fook it lol... HK is amazing and your GF will love it, I have friends who I thought would never love HK (Ibiza party go-ers) and they loved the place to death.

    Goodluck mate

    Thanks for people who replied, some very informative stuff for the rest of us

    Last edited by Kashinoda; 28-08-2007 at 01:03 AM.

  5. #35

    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Mid Levels


    I would just like to thank everyone that's posted replies to HKbanker, you've also eased my mind no end.

    Good luck to the others that are moving to HK, I'm now coming out a week before my TEFL course on 5th Nov, so hopefully catch up with some of you then,


  6. #36

    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Kashinoda:
    Please do not be scared, at the end of the day if something doesn't turn out the way you thought at least you tried. If it makes you feel better have a backup plan or something!

    I'm moving to HK in October from UK, I have a TEFL... no degree and only a little money. I know I'm risking a lot (not looking for work until im out there) but fook it lol... HK is amazing and your GF will love it, I have friends who I thought would never love HK (Ibiza party go-ers) and they loved the place to death.

    Goodluck mate

    Thanks for people who replied, some very informative stuff for the rest of us

    That's exactly what I did! However, you may have a bit of a harder time without the degree. But all in all, HK is fantastic, I love it here, I love my job. It's allllll gooooood!!!

  7. #37

    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    especially the bright blue skies in the last few dayz... against the shiny cityscape. truly a sight to see....

  8. #38

    You will absolutely love it here in HK. Your gf will too! I just moved here from the U.S in March and can't believe I've been here almost 6 months. To be honest, work has kept me so busy that I haven't had much time making new friends. I went to my first GeoExpat gathering a few months ago and met some great people! Just finally got a chance to have dinner with one of them last night.

    I wouldn't sweat it about the electronics, furniture, etc. You can get all of that here. There are some great places to go and bargain for things.

    As for the relocation package, I would try and negotiate with your company for them to hire and pay someone to do your taxes for you. PWC is contracted by my company to take care of that for me. Also, see if they are willing to pay for your taxes in HK. It's not fair that you will be taxed in the U.S and in HK. I would try and negotiate a housing, utilties, goods & services allowance. Actually, I could go on and on. If you want more info send me an email using this site. Good luck with everything!

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