You will absolutely love it here in HK. Your gf will too! I just moved here from the U.S in March and can't believe I've been here almost 6 months. To be honest, work has kept me so busy that I haven't had much time making new friends. I went to my first GeoExpat gathering a few months ago and met some great people! Just finally got a chance to have dinner with one of them last night.
I wouldn't sweat it about the electronics, furniture, etc. You can get all of that here. There are some great places to go and bargain for things.
As for the relocation package, I would try and negotiate with your company for them to hire and pay someone to do your taxes for you. PWC is contracted by my company to take care of that for me. Also, see if they are willing to pay for your taxes in HK. It's not fair that you will be taxed in the U.S and in HK. I would try and negotiate a housing, utilties, goods & services allowance. Actually, I could go on and on. If you want more info send me an email using this site. Good luck with everything!