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Do you regret moving to Hong Kong?

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  1. #41

    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Hey DG, Mat disagreed with you, I don't think he went as far as to stifle discussion.

    Mat and HowardCoombs like this.

  2. #42

    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Question - do you find that people who stay in HK for the money are the least happy people out there?

  3. #43

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    Jan 2008

    I agree with Dear Giant here...admittedly part of it may be that I seem to share some of the same frustrations with HK, but I had the same thing yesterday.

    There seems to be a trend on this board that if you post something percieved to be negative or somehow against the grain of the discuusson thread you immedialey gettting a response telling you that your wrong and closing off the dicusssion. People have varying opinions, whats the point of this board if your going to put yours across then announce the case closed or take no further part in the discussion?

  4. #44

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    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by gmi:
    I agree with Dear Giant here...admittedly part of it may be that I seem to share some of the same frustrations with HK, but I had the same thing yesterday.

    There seems to be a trend on this board that if you post something percieved to be negative or somehow against the grain of the discuusson thread you immedialey gettting a response telling you that your wrong and closing off the dicusssion. People have varying opinions, whats the point of this board if your going to put yours across then announce the case closed or take no further part in the discussion?
    Not my intention.

    I posted a long post of what my thoughts about HK are and what a possible move here can trigger. So did Dipper.

    DG or you are free to express your opinion, nothing wrong with this.

    My issue was only that DG makes it sounds as if his opinion was the truth and the only truth. It may not be his intention but that is the way I read it.

    As I said, HK is what you make of it, but claiming if you bring your kids to HK he will end up like a robot and not be able to pursue any passion is very excessive imho.
    Last edited by Mat; 17-11-2011 at 11:40 AM.

  5. #45

    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Mat:
    Not my intention.

    I posted a long post of what my thoughts about HK are and what a possible move here can trigger. So did Dipper.

    DG or you are free to express your opinion, nothing wrong with this.

    My issue was only that DG makes it sounds as if his opinion was the truth and the only truth. It may not be his intention but that is the way I read it.

    As I said, HK is what you make of it, but claiming if you bring your kids to HK he will end up like a robot and not be able to pursue any passion is very excessive imho.
    Fair enough....I guess there does come a point when its fine/best to disagree.

    But I had exactly the same feeling reading your post as you did when reading DGs...
    dear giant and TheBrit like this.

  6. #46

    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Mat:
    My issue was only that DG makes it sounds as if his opinion was the truth and the only truth. It may not be his intention but that is the way I read it.

    As I said, HK is what you make of it, but claiming if you bring your kids to HK he will end up like a robot and not be able to pursue any passion is very excessive imho.
    It sounds as though you are saying that my posts are in some way persuasive -- after all, everyone is expressing their views but something about the way that I'm expressing mine seems to make them come across as "truthier" to your ears. If that's the case, then I am flattered.

    I don't think that every kid who winds up being raised in HK will be completely robotized. I just think that they'd be better off raised in a larger, more diverse, more open society that afforded its members a wider range of opportunities and where dissent, critical thinking, etc. were more highly regarded and more prevalent.

    I don't think that every person who experiences a head-on car collision will be thrown through the front windshield of their car either. That doesn't mean that I wouldn't try to caution others to avoid car accidents -- especially if someone told me that they were thinking about plowing their car into a brick wall or a telephone pole.
    Last edited by dear giant; 17-11-2011 at 11:53 AM. Reason: typo
    TheBrit likes this.

  7. #47

    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Note to future readers of this thread: A number of posts have been deleted from this thread. My post #38 was not in reply to what is currently post #37. The post to which I was replying has been deleted and the forum software does not permit me to edit post #38 to reflect this.

  8. #48

    Join Date
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    Gold Coast Marina

    Dipper - sounds like you have done well raising your daughter, but anyone thinking of giving up a place at Cambridge to study in HKU has rocks in their head - truly. As an employer, I look at where grads got their degrees (and even less so than my two business partners) will always interview the Cambridge/Oxford/Harvard/MIT ones even if they might not fit over the "I've never heard of it" ones. I have a Cambridge degree myself. It's a fabulous university but more, it opened so many doors and even now opens doors for me. Don't let her give up that opportunity for goodness sake!

    dear giant likes this.

  9. #49

    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Dipper. That info about your daughter has opened my eyes a bit wider. I know it's very common for HK locally educated students to go to oxbridge, but usually for science subjects.

    For your daughter to be potentially going to study English lit is very impressive. The worry I have with local education is a lack of encouragement of creativity and imaginative ideas (based on my experiences as a teacher) but your daughter would appear to contradict that.

    My daughter is only 14 months old but we're already addressing the issue about education here vs UK. I may PM you and ask for more info.

    Edit: eh... now that post I was referring to seems to have disappeared!

    Last edited by justjoe86; 17-11-2011 at 12:20 PM.
    dear giant likes this.

  10. #50

    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Editors, feel free to go ahead and delete/prune/shape the thread further. As it stands now, some posts (mine referencing Mat's thread-shutdown-attempt and the ones above referring to another poster's child's educational plans) don't make a whole lot of sense given that the posts upon which they relied for context have been removed.

    Last edited by dear giant; 17-11-2011 at 12:19 PM.

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