Medical insurance plans are - like every insurance - a bit of a gamble. The minor doctor visits you could easily pay by yourself, but IF something bad is happening, you could loose the lifestyle and financial freedom you are used to. Especially IF you get a chronic disease which requires frequent and expensive treatment, etc...
I grew up in a country where people tend to insure everything possible. Only when I got here I realized that there are other options. I compared tons of int'l insurance plans.
Here are some points for you to consider:
- full or partial coverage: The more you are willing to chip in yourself for each doctor visit, the cheaper the plan. Also, you pay more if you want special treatments to be covered, and include dental care for example.
- worldwide or regional coverage: plans which include US are usually more expensive.
- temporary or lifetime insurance: I found some great int'l insurance plans, but all of them would have kicked me out should I ever move back to my home country. Imagine you move back and by then are either too old or have existing health problems. At a certain age it could be hard for you to sign up a new insurance plan, as they will charge you a premium for your age, and exempt everything possible from the coverage.
In the end it is a decision you have to take for yourself. Most of my friends here have no or minimal coverage, but I also know that without a good insurance plan, my parents could not afford the lifestyle they are having right now.
If you have to pay for yourself, i would take up a plan which only kicks in when your annual medical bill reaches a certain amount, and possibly exclude certain treatments, maybe reduce the dental coverage, etc.