Hello friends,
With all due respect to call centers being used by big firms these days, I am getting absolutely nowhere with the above organizations for what to me are a few simple questions.
In effect, we want to maintain our existing AUD cards, and also get HKG cards with the above "so-called" service providers. Telephone calls to the call centers have yielded a total of 0 help.
Why do we want to maintain our existing AUD cards?
1. Because we have direct debits against them here for our investment properties and will be leaving a bit of money here in AUD. Better to pay AUD bills in AUD rather than copping the exchange rate differences.
Why do we want a local currency card?
1. We'll be being paid in HKD, so makes more sense to pay HKD with HKD!
2. As per one of my other postings, if we get a Citi/CX/Marco Polo Platinum Visa co-branded we get access to the lounge rather than a pay-per-visit.
So, may we ask, what did other expats do?
We so owe you ALL some drinks for all the help you are giving us! And yes, we are well aware of the the costs for those!
Cheers, Cindy