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We are moving to HK - what should we know?

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  1. #21

    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    My understanding is that you cannot get a dependant visa while being engaged. You need to be married. Please check this with your company ASAP.

  2. #22

    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    And for your dependent visa, supply the company with as much extra stuff as you can to submit with the application. It's likely you will get rejected so you may consider just going down to the courthouse and getting your marriage certificate before coming. Have your real wedding later. But submit anything you feel validates the genuine nature of your relationship. Photos of you guys, holiday photos with each others' families, any bills you may have jointly or a least showing you have lived together, stuff like that. It will make things easier in the long run if you just submit it up front as supposed to only sending in the application then waiting for immigration to decide they want additional stuff, schedule an interview for you to bring It in, etc etc etc

    Last edited by MCDC; 21-02-2012 at 09:29 AM.

  3. #23

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Sai Kung
    Quote Originally Posted by Brooklynexpat:
    And exactly what are some of those less desirable American traits ?
    One in particular that irks me the most....excessive and often unnecessary tipping. Americans are used to tossing money (25%-35%) at wait staff, taxi drivers, etc....regardless the quality of service and thus often rewarding mediocrity. These traits over time seem to build up unrealistic and demanding expectations in jobs/ cultures which are not historically used to this behaviour. I'm against tipping someone for simply doing their jobs.

    P.S. I'm an American and it took me a while to modify this behaviour.
    Last edited by climber07; 21-02-2012 at 10:41 AM.
    Mat and hello_there like this.

  4. #24

    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by MCDC:
    Just a heads up, you might get rejected for a dependent visa if you're not married. Immigration is picky about these things and it is quite difficult from what I understand to get a dependent visa for partners as oppose to spouses.
    To be clear, it isn't difficult, it simply will not happen. A dependent visa will be rejected if the couple are not male, female and married - there are no exceptions in HK. If you are engaged you can get an extended visitors visa and then change to a dependent visa once you are married.
    HowardCoombs and Fiona in HKG like this.