Single Twentysomething American Girl moving to HK in October!

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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    NYC (soon to be HK)
    Quote Originally Posted by Tommyknocker:
    If you are in any way decent looking you will find it no problems getting a date here. Doubt it will be LKF that does it though unless you are in to the drunken one night stands. You will meet people quickly here and then that special someone will take your eye - and off you go.

    Good place to live - lots to do espacially if you are in to the great outdoors. Hiking, Wakeboarding, sailing, beaches, drinking, eating, more drinking, tennis, hockey, squash, cricket, soccer, drinking etc etc.
    I'm a huge fan of the outdoors. As my name suggests, I'm an avid runner. I love the city and the countryside and HK seems to be a great blend of both. I figured that LKF is not the place to meet people for long-term relationships but I also know that the ex-pat community is very close-knit and other people have mentioned that the ex-pats tend to be very eager to make friends and meet other ex-pats (someone likened it to freshman year at university). The reason why I never really got a date in NYC is (1) I prefer dating foreign men over Americans (which would make dating in any American city hard) and (2) time. I guess I was hoping that I might meet someone in HK since I know I'll be there for about 3+ years and in 3+ years I'll be 30 and I fear that my dating prospects will likely dim quite precipitously after that age.
    Last edited by 26_2runner; 21-09-2007 at 09:38 PM.

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    NYC (soon to be HK)
    Quote Originally Posted by jspec:
    in all honesty, from the sounds of it, you seem to be pretty well off. Being someone in your financial position you would probably want someone around the same salary as you.
    Completely wrong. I couldn't care less about salary. Yes, my job is one of those which provides me with more money than time, but that only means that I am fortunate not to have to worry about the financial position of my future husband in that regard. I'm also not into the "wealthy older man" thing, so they can stick to chasing younger Asian women if they like.

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Everywhere you don't want me to be
    Quote Originally Posted by 26_2runner:
    Completely wrong. I couldn't care less about salary.
    Well runner you're in luck then, because last weeks HK Magazine profiled the sad state of affairs for women here on the dating scene, because all they seem to care about is money. So if its not your number 1 priority (and good for you, its nice to hear there are some women out there that know whats really imporant in life) then you can scoop up all the guys that these stuck up twits don't bother to look down their noses at.

    Although as JayinHK pointed out, most guys here are chasing svelte, young Asian girls which means a lot of expat females find it hard to attract a date, as Alby also pointed out. Good luck.

  4. #14

    hi, welcome to HK! I'm also twenty something girl, but i'm local HK. if you would like to know more about hk from a local, please feel free to write me..... i'm happy to share with you about hk!

  5. #15

    Join Date
    May 2007

    Hey guys! I'm wondering why so maaanyyyy expats here have a local g/f or wife? A typical picture: "Big white man with a tiny HK women (sometimes not charming)"
    Just can;t understand: there're lots of single & nice european ladies around! What's the reason?

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Everywhere you don't want me to be

    ummmm....not gonna go there

  7. #17

    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    NYC (soon to be HK)
    Quote Originally Posted by sylvesterjay:

    Although as JayinHK pointed out, most guys here are chasing svelte, young Asian girls which means a lot of expat females find it hard to attract a date, as Alby also pointed out. Good luck.
    Well, I'm half Asian so maybe that will help - ha!

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Hong Kong
    6,899're sounding better and better Securities lawyer, well paid, don't care about a guy's income and you're mixed. You're probably in great shape from running too. I grew up going to school with a lot of Eurasians, and man, some of the girls were (and are) absolutely stunning. I don't think you'll have much of a problem meeting anyone here if you're as good as you sound.

  9. #19

    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Everywhere you don't want me to be

    down boy! go have a cold shower.

  10. #20

    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by sylvesterjay:
    ummmm....not gonna go there no, quite....