I'm a huge fan of the outdoors. As my name suggests, I'm an avid runner. I love the city and the countryside and HK seems to be a great blend of both. I figured that LKF is not the place to meet people for long-term relationships but I also know that the ex-pat community is very close-knit and other people have mentioned that the ex-pats tend to be very eager to make friends and meet other ex-pats (someone likened it to freshman year at university). The reason why I never really got a date in NYC is (1) I prefer dating foreign men over Americans (which would make dating in any American city hard) and (2) time. I guess I was hoping that I might meet someone in HK since I know I'll be there for about 3+ years and in 3+ years I'll be 30 and I fear that my dating prospects will likely dim quite precipitously after that age.