Single Twentysomething American Girl moving to HK in October!

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  1. #21

    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Hong Kong

    At 24, Funkoplan should know the answer to his question

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by 26_2runner:
    Hi, as the title of my post suggests, I am a single twentysomething female (U.S. securities lawyer) moving to HK the first week of October and am just posting to introduce myself. I'll be living in corporate housing in Kennedy Town for the first 30 days and then likely moving to the mid-levels (i.e. anywhere near Bowen Road as I am an avid runner).

    Anyhow, I'm madly excited but am curious about some aspects of ex-pat social life. If anyone could give me the down-and-dirty that would be great! Let me know things re: ease of making friends, dating life (since I am single), and all that good stuff. I'll be working long hours most of the time but will still always find time for a proper G&T!

    Hi there,

    i have only just got here myself (little over 3 weeks now).

    I too am an avid runner. How often do you run in a week?

    Give us a bell if you want to run round bowen road as there is a trail there.

    Speak to you later maybe.


  3. #23

    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Hong Kong


    Congragulation! I am excited for you. I moved here couple months ago from Toronto Canada to start my new life here as well. As a hairstylist from aboard, I am used to all types of caucasian hair. I am located right in the center of LKF, which all expats hangout and network...
    I work at Goldlion Salon on the 2nd floor; You will get a discount when you mention my name 'Charles'. Salon number is 25267710/ or my cell 95753496.
    I have been a hairstyist for 23 years, great with color, highlights and cuts.....
    Good luck on your move and travel safe!

  4. #24

    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by 26_2runner:
    Completely wrong. I couldn't care less about salary. Yes, my job is one of those which provides me with more money than time, but that only means that I am fortunate not to have to worry about the financial position of my future husband in that regard. I'm also not into the "wealthy older man" thing, so they can stick to chasing younger Asian women if they like.
    good for you then! thats really good to hear! I was only assuming you'd like to try n mix it up a little since you're a foreigner.

    Hong Kong though is LOADED with lots of halfers. The ones i met (guys & girls) were foreign so they spoke perfect english. I'm pretty sure you could strike your luck with one of them.

  5. #25

    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    double post sorry

  6. #26

    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    NYC (soon to be HK)
    Quote Originally Posted by Simonjp29:
    Hi there,

    i have only just got here myself (little over 3 weeks now).

    I too am an avid runner. How often do you run in a week?

    Give us a bell if you want to run round bowen road as there is a trail there.

    Speak to you later maybe.


    How much I run depends on what I'm training for. Right now, 35-40. Marathon training means 55-60. Miles, that is. I'll give a shout-out when I get out there; I'll need to find some good running routes!

  7. #27

    35-40 miles, you mean that much per week.

    That sounds good to me just holla me when you are in town.

    Take it easy then,

    speak later