I'll give the truth of HK. I'm a late 30's male who has spent most of his life in various cities in the US. I moved to HK last year and prior to that visited 3 times a year.
The concerns of cheating husbands are valid. Use the following criteria:
1. Does your husband make decent money - call it 200k US and up
2. Does he work in finance - investment banking, Private equity, hedge fund
3. Is he remotely good looking
If he meets 2 of the 3. The chances are high that he will be aggressively pursued by not necessarily just HK women, but golddiggers in general. China has a population of 1.3 billion, and HK is the purist capitalist city in the world, you are bound to have a massive population of attractive women looking to put their hand into that capitalist honey jar!!! There is a saying in China " would you rather be smiling on the back of a bicycle or crying in the back of a BMW!" Unfortunately there are millions that pick the latter.
I'll share a staggering stat. There are 7 million people in HK. Assume 3.5 million are men and 1,75 million of the 3.5 are men in the age of 25-50. Those men have fostered a known amount of 500,000 kids. That's almost 1 in every 3 men that have left a legitimate trail of evidence that they have cheated.