My boyfriend and I are moving to HK in June from San Diego. We are just hoping to start a new life in HK. I will be in in-between semesters at school here in San Diego and would take up some type of program or classes at a school there eventually. We both look to work in HK however he has a business degree and I am still in the process of obtaining my degree. I only have an EMT certification, the college credits I have so far, and 6 years working in customer service. We have been trying to do research about HK in general and moving there. To my knowledge we can stay in HK for 3 months just with our US passports. If I/we find work can we transfer visa's once there? Will I be able to find work at all with what little qualifications I do have? Will we even be able to rent a place when we first arrive? Any help is highly appreciated. Thank you.