Most flat panel TVs (LCD, Plasma) are multiple voltage, so your TV should work without needing a voltage converter. Be sure to check to make sure though.
The tuner won't work here, so you won't be able to get terrestrial channels with it. But everything else will work fine.
To correct audiodesign: China may be Region 6 (not 9), but the DVD's in Hong Kong are Region 3 (most China DVD's are single layer, and of general bullshit quality - yes even the legit ones). Bootleg DVD's are coded "Region 0" so will work on any player, but who the hell wants to watch even crappier quality movies? Not someone with a TV like that... But I digress...
Local DVD's bought in stores will be region 3, so you won't be able to watch them on your PS3. Not that you will want to watch DVD's when you have Blu-Ray and a 46" TV
Audiodesign was correct in stating that USA shares Blu-Ray regions with Hong Kong (along with Japan) though.
PS3 games are currently not region-encoded, but PS2 games are (again I'm not sure if you'll be buying any PS2 games when you can get PS3 games, but something to consider if you ever come across a PS2 game you want - unless it says NTSC-U/C it won't play on your PS3).