Moving to HK requires help

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Moving to HK requires help

    Hi ,
    I am planning to move with my family in HK, mid of DEC,2007. can you Please suggest on the below points.
    1) Cost of living in HK, with family

    2)What will be the nearest/good location near Central for accomodation? (Budget 10-12K HKD)

    3) can i get some House-agent contacts please.

    Thanks in advance for you time.


  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2005
    Sham Tseng

    Hi Varun,

    Welcome to Hong Kong

    1.) Depends on you family's lifestyle.
    Some things that you may need to consider:
    Do you have children? If so what type of activities are they involved in and where will they go to school?
    Do you eat at home or will you eat frequently?
    Will you hire a domestic helper ft or pt?

    2.) In the New Territories about 45 to 60 minutes commute to Central you can get a larger place but the in Central and the immediate vicinity HK$10-HK$12 can get you about 300sqft or less in an old building.

    I would suggest that you look through various threads here on geoexpat to get an idea of things - this will help with questions 1 & 2.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Hi Alby,
    Thanks for your suggestion. I have a small kid, so there is no issue of school right now.
    1)where nearest i can get approx 550-600 SQ FT flat near to Central in my budget ?
    2)I will be definitely eat at home only (Pure VEG.)
    3)what will be the basic avg monthly expenses (means Utility services/Food/Transportation/) apart from rent.
    Please assist, meanwhile i will try to find out the latest Thread posted on this site.


  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    look at the box immediately below the "Post Reply" button, which is immediately below my post (at the moment)