Hello everyone. I found this forum while searching for short term accommodation in hong kong and i think this site is going to be so useful for me!
I met a girl, Wan, from hong kong on the internet three years ago when i was 17. Since then we have spoken everyday to eachother on msn. I have also visited her three times in hong kong - I just got back from my third trip there were I met her family and friends and celebrated new year with them. I really want to live in hong kong and be with her but i'm realistic and know it will be difficult. So I'm thinking about saving up this year then moving there for two months around dec/jan/feb to see if i can handle living there as apose to just staying there for a week on holiday.
I'm from the UK and understand I can live but not work there for up to 180 days? I have found studio apartments that I can rent for around $7000HKD/month. Its basic, just a bedroom, small kitchen and private bath/shower room, but its all i need. Is $7000 a month expensive? or could i find somewhere cheaper if i looked around?
If I get on alright and can handle living there in the two months, i'd like to live and work there permanently but i know to do this i'd either need a company to sponsor me for a working visa, or marry wan and get a dependant visa. I think the dependant visa will be easier to obtain, but im not sure im ready to get married yet haha! We have talked about marriage and we both agree we would love to in the future, just not sure if we are ready yet.
Has anyone here ever lived in hong kong just for a few months? are studio apartments safe? I'd really appreciate any help or info people can give me about my situation. Also, do you think i'm living in a dream world thinking about marriage and living in hong kong permanently or could it actually happen for me?
thanks for reading