- Cambodian restaurants
- Laos Restaurants
( though i hope someone will reply and tell me i'm wrong ... )
When friends offer to bring things over or when I'm in the UK, tend to stock up on nutritional supplements (Omega-3 fish oils, EPO, multi-vitamins, vit. B-complex).
Similar supplement stuff in HK can be considerably PRICEY in comparison to what's widely available in say Boots & Superdrug (with frequent Buy-1-Get-1-Free bargains). (Hey, anyone know of cheaper sources here?)
Other things I may miss, occasionally, are:
- the buttery, light & crumbly pastries with dollops of REAL fresh cream, or the savoury cornish pasties, up north
- the clusters of hugely browseable second-hand shops, with varied range of books, old early editions, photos & prints... (HK Island has a couple, but not as extensive, nor as affordable)
- and maybe driving; especially during the height of summer or just into autumn, past freshly-cut grass and hay-stacked gold fields, scented with that distinctive cow-sheep smell... (forgive my rose-tinted sentamentality)
I really like it a lot here in HK though, and have found just as many things I miss when spending weeks to a month out elsewhere.
While most things are get-able here IF one gets off one's butt to look, can't be so sure of that when in not-so-big a town in the UK.
Pin> They have Japanese Jersey milk in Sogo.
An Ivor Dewdney Oggie.
Not one of those Girls Pasties with factory fillings or one of those " pseudo " oggies from what seems to be a load of " Cornish Pasty Co " outlets springing up all of UK South.
There is nothing like a Ivor Dewdney, even Ron his brother can't do it.
actually I miss central heating in the winter. HK is so cold. especially this year...
how about country-specific things like Aussie Twisties or salt&vinegar chips?
Anyone know if you can get good nail polish remover, like Sally Hansen?
Childrens SPF 30+ sunscreen in a decent size bottle that doesn't cost more than say US$20?
Good honey?
Cold & FLu capsules?
Nurafen plus?
Its a very helpful list so far!