"In The Whorehouse - The Sequel""In The Whorehouse - The Sequel"
I wish Coombsy and WC would have an 10 page argument...
You mean this geezer
Your Cantonese is as worthless as your advice. its Diu Nei Lo Mo! å±Œä½ è€æ¯ you twat
Is it little kids or teenagers? Stop making stuff up as you go along just to support your silly assertions.Little kids have no choice. ...Not when you are thrown into secondary school-level advanced Chinese with no background whatsoever
HAHAHA. You have a è€æ¯?!! Judging by your mental level, I'll say your mother must have given you up for adoption. Who would want to admit to you being their son?
But anyway, thank you for demonstrating your lack of grasp of Cantonese. There is no single "correct" English spelling to it genius, so long as you understand...., that's all that matters...
Little kids or teenagers? Why don't you go read yourself.
By the way, I suggest you should Diu Lay Low Mow Chow Hai.
But please do go on with your supposed cantonese knowledge...for me to tear down. I know you can't resist me can you? I know you, the mental fool that keeps on giving, again and again.
You know what they say about insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. That would be a perfect description of you I'll say.
Last edited by Watercooler; 04-10-2013 at 12:39 AM.