Hi all.
I've been looking at a lot of the threads already here so I'm sorry for posting another, but wondered if anyone can offer some advice on what I can expect in comparing where I've been working to Hong Kong?
I'm a British expat who has been teaching in private schools/academies in South Korea since 2009.
I'm intending to move to Hong Kong to do the same/similar in Jan/Feb 2016.
I've got a 120 TESOL certificate, gained in Korea (not online), experience of teaching children in Korea from pre-school to high school, and my previous work experience in the UK includes a number of years in banking, a number of years in a warranty/customer service supervisory role, and I also worked in the construction and supermarket trades whilst doing my degree.
I'm wondering what would be my best options with regards to when to start looking for a teaching job, if there are any specific things (other than experience) I should or shouldn't mention, are the schools there looking for the same things than here?
Also, what paperwork do I need for a visa and when do I need it?
Much of the visa paperwork for Korea was done before I arrived here so I'm wondering what the differences and similarities are?
I'm moving to be with my girlfriend. She's from Hong Kong but we aren't yet married so I'm guessing, in the future after marriage, my visa requirement would be different but what do I need to get started there?
Finally what is the situation with housing? Is there an allowance from schools? Do I get a choice of apartment/location?
Sorry for any repetition from previous posts and for the length of this post, I'm just trying to get everything in motion to make things as smooth as possible.
Any help or advice anyone can give in making the transition from Korea to Hong Kong, practical, professional or logistical, would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance