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Moving to HK- Cost of living ...

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  1. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Natfixit:
    Best for the OP to keep it as rainy day savings for the future, in case he may need a buffer or something goes wrong.
    True! Moving to Hong Kong and working here in a new environment can be a shock. Also, if things at work turn out bad (i.e. your new boss hates you), you might need to look for another job locally, with possible less salary and without any expat benefits.

  2. #52

    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Natfixit:
    If you prefer the British system, then there are ESF schools all across HK. Other than that, your salary is pretty good, but it is the school fees and rent that will take a chunk out of your standard of living. If your wife can find work, that is also a bonus salary to add to your savings pot. The one good thing here is that crime is low and so is tax.
    Just a minor correction - ESF uses the International Baccalaureate, not British curriculum. Pure British curriculum schools in HK are quite a bit more expensive than ESF e.g. Kellet, DBIS, Nord Anglia, Harrow, etc.
    TheBrit likes this.

  3. #53

    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    One thing I haven't seen mentioned yet is bonus. If the OP is in the financial services industry his bonus has the potential to be significant. I have some friends who work in the industry who receive bonuses that work out to be worth several months salary. This would obviously depend on his company / role / position / performance and would not be something to rely on, but it's certainly a factor to take into account when considering the total picture.

  4. #54

    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Wrong side of the door to hell
    Quote Originally Posted by jmbf:
    One thing I haven't seen mentioned yet is bonus. If the OP is in the financial services industry his bonus has the potential to be significant. I have some friends who work in the industry who receive bonuses that work out to be worth several months salary. This would obviously depend on his company / role / position / performance and would not be something to rely on, but it's certainly a factor to take into account when considering the total picture.
    Speaking from experience, I would never undertake such a move on the basis of a bonus, no matter how cast-iron the assurances are that payment is a given.
    TheBrit, Natfixit, Skyhook and 1 others like this.

  5. #55

    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by kimwy66:
    Speaking from experience, I would never undertake such a move on the basis of a bonus, no matter how cast-iron the assurances are that payment is a given.
    That's exactly what I said, it's certainly not something to rely on, but it is a factor to take into consideration.

  6. #56

    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    South of Sweden
    Quote Originally Posted by jmbf:
    That's exactly what I said, it's certainly not something to rely on, but it is a factor to take into consideration.
    My husband also works in the finance industry and receives a bonus, however generous, it is not something to be solely relied upon if all goes belly up. Maybe as a buffer, but even the redundancy payout is meant to be a support until one finds another job. Also, the job market, personal job performance, company expectations, bonus payout bar...

  7. #57

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by civil_servant:
    15K + parking, so about $18.5K for 900'. Building is 5 years old, SHKP. Lots of facilities.
    Where is this exactly please?

  8. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs. Jones:
    Where is this exactly please?
    That will cost you 1/2 month commission....

    ...Gold coast area.
    jrkob and Mrs. Jones like this.

  9. #59

    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by kimwy66:

    If the OP is looking at cash-in-hand of 75k with a family of 4, I wouldn't do the move. However, assuming his wife can earn a decent wedge it should be fine.
    Spot on. Needs the second income, significant bonus potential or something else to sweeten the deal. Otherwise, it's not worth being in a crowded, polluted, humid hell hole. You can't put a price on clean air.

    Best advice for the OP is to come here and see it with his own eyes first.
    TheBrit and kimwy66 like this.

  10. #60
    Original Post Deleted
    No, Avignon. I don't think I could do Kowloon. Can you explain how it's less noisy than the airport?

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