@locust.fund right you are! Cheers
As far as housing goes from what I've seen advertised high-rise apartments for the same budget give you something like 450sqft!? That's just not workable for us, plus I loathe standing around and waiting for an elevator; when I want to go home, I want to go home and vice versa, no waiting, holding doors, visiting numerous floors. Plus our cat would be miserable in an apt, it would just whine and drive us nuts.
A 6-700sqft place with a little rooftop would be ideal but I guess we'll see what's on offer when we arrive. As far as standards go, I've lived in Korea and traveled throughout Asia so I have a good idea of the differences and don't expect a fully western place with all new finishings but some places (posted on here) do show newly renovated flats with decent decor. The "Wonderland" in Tai po seems like something between a villa and village house, looks half decent, and is close to budget, anyone know that compound?
Barking dogs seem to be a theme, so I'll take the advice and try to visit a potential home again at night? Hopefully that's doable. I'm sure there's quite a few things, good and bad, we'll have to adjust to living in a sub-tropical place.
Thanks again for all the replies!