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Salary Expectations

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Post Salary Expectations

    Dear All,

    I am solution Architect (IT) working with one of the Asia's biggest consultancy firms. I am having 13 years of experience in software industry out of which around 8 architecture (Cloud, Web Applications, Togaf and others).

    Now looking for new job opportunity in HK, Refer various salary guides over internet mentioned around 50-60K HKD on my experience.

    Please guide/suggest what should be my salary expectations. I am expecting around 80 K.

    Some points:
    1) Having one year valid work permit,
    2) Living alone. Plan to bring family (7 year old kid)

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    50-60k should me about right. 80k, highly unlikely.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Thanks Mrs. Jones.
    IS 50-60 K is enough for family of three to live decent life.
    7 year old education, 2 bed apt (min) and taxes/MPF etc. 2 trips back home in a year.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Are you in HK? On a GEP visa? Your new company will have to reapply for you anyways.

  5. #5

    I am going to say not enough if you are a typical western expat family in HK.

    And also not that good too for a local Chinese family wanting to live a decent middle class life in the New Territories, unless already have free or cheap housing.

    For your information, you can still rent a quiet 2 bedroom place not far from MTR stations with less than HK$12000 in parts of the New Territories same for some islands connected by ferries.

  6. #6

    It depends if you have any savings yet or passive income. Just a 60k salary would be doable, but not much fun. If your wife could work too, then you would be fine.

    But as others mentioned - you could live very frugal or spend a fortune.Up to you.

    shri likes this.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by AnExpat:
    Dear All,

    I am solution Architect (IT) working with one of the Asia's biggest consultancy firms. I am having 13 years of experience in software industry out of which around 8 architecture (Cloud, Web Applications, Togaf and others).

    Now looking for new job opportunity in HK, Refer various salary guides over internet mentioned around 50-60K HKD on my experience.

    Please guide/suggest what should be my salary expectations. I am expecting around 80 K.

    Some points:
    1) Having one year valid work permit,
    2) Living alone. Plan to bring family (7 year old kid)
    I wouldn't except anything below 80K with that work experience
    If really 50-60k is the average salary then don't come to HK and move to London

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Thanks all for your reply’s.
    1) I am on WP that my employer applied for me. I am not aware of it needs to be re- apply by new employer even if it’s valid for one year.
    2) I am homely person who enjoyed being at home after works.
    3) yes my wife can work.
    4) what are the education expenses for 7 year old in international school ?

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by AnExpat:
    4) what are the education expenses for 7 year old in international school ?
    At least $7k min a month for ESF.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I am on WP that my employer applied for me. I am not aware of it needs to be re- apply by new employer even if it’s valid for one year.
    Yes, your new employer will have to reapply - since your visa (not technically a 'work permit') is linked to your employer and your abilities to do that specific job.

    There are a few other threads around here on the forum - seriously suggest you start reviewing some of the topics which have a large number of replies / people in a similar situation.
    emx and JAherbert like this.

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