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Struggles and questions from an international student in Canada!!!

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  1. #1

    Question Struggles and questions from an international student in Canada!!!

    Hello everyone, hope you guys have a nice day. I am new to this forum.

    So here is the situation, I am an international student who recently graduated from university. I am currently holding a post-graduate work permit (which will expire in 3 years). As I've heard that it is hard to get back to Canada for citizenship once I miss this chance. Therefore, I am struggling with should I stay in Canada to get the citizenship (for my parents and my future child or family) and then move back to Hong Kong which where I was born (mainly for my parents and it looks like more opportunities in HK than Canada), or go back to HK straight after the 3 years limit?

    1. I am confused what is the qualifications? (how and approx. how long for the whole process from a post-graduate work permit holder to Canadian citizen?)

    2. If I miss this chance to get the Canadian citizenship and forced to go back to HK, what are the chance for me(or with my parents) to go back Canada for the citizenship again? what are the costs and requirements?

    3. Also, am I allowed to move back to HK once I get the Canadian citizenship or will I lose it once I decide to spend my time to develop my career path in HK before retirement? As if I could possibly lose the Canadian citizenship after moving back to HK, which is also mean I will waste all my time spent in Canada.

    I am hoping to get more information before I make the final decision of staying in Canada for citizenship or going back to HK for my parents. Thank you for all your time!!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Can't help you with the laws and rules about the citizenship, but I can say if you have an opportunity to hold citizenship in other countries, it's a good thing you should sacrifice to get, especially if you are only otherwise a HK passport holder!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    If you have the ability to do this - get your post grad experience in Canada, get your citizenship and see if you can transfer back or come back to HK as an expat of sorts. Your salary / career track will be different from coming back to HK without any experience and going through the local hire track.

    Tommy3420 and geoheyexpat like this.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Hong Kong

    Yep, agree totally with the two above. Stay in Canada. Get citizenship. Get experience. Then you have options and can come back if you choose to, and not be forced to. HK is going downhill - in the long term having an exit plan is invaluable.

    Tommy3420 and geoheyexpat like this.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    For the record, as far as I know and have no reason to think I'm incorrect, but I could be ... you cannot lose citizenship because you moved. You may lose some residency privileges but not your passport and rights as a Canadian citizen.

    Tommy3420 likes this.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    I want to add, that when I was young I also had a similar opportunity, and I missed it. I regret this, and wish I had made the personal sacrifices to stick it out for an additional 1-2 years (I think, personally/professionally I would have developed better, too, if I had stayed independent waiting for that residency). Of course you can always say life has worked out, blah blah, but as a now older and wiser person, I would definitely advise someone in that position to stick with it and get that citizenship. The opportunities to always have the legal right to live in Canada are immense and with you for life. One or two years is nothing to wait!

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    If you like the life in Canada, stick around until you get the passport.

    Tommy3420 and geoheyexpat like this.

  8. #8

    Thank you for all the valuable opinions and comments. I really appreciate them. If you guys have more ideas, please let me know as more advice or information is always better!!! Thanks all!!

  9. #9

    I am HK passport holder.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    I don't know the details required to gain citizenship in Canada but if it entails remaining there then you should do so. IMO you can use your salary while working to bring your family over for extended stays. Many people dream of immigrating and you have a bird in your hand but am thinking of letting it go. That's not a wise decision.

    A teachable moment: Also many Chinese in the past paid a dear price trying to be Canadians and you are letting it go.,_1923
    This ran parallel to similar racist laws in the US which you should learn about here if you are to be a Canadian and know the history of the people before you.

    Tommy3420 likes this.