Hi... This site looks wonderful and the feedback invaluable. After thoroughly thinking through opportunities to broaden the horizons professionally, socially and culturally Hong Kong has not left my mind and have investigated the lifestyle here on the net, bought expat books, spoke to other Aussies who have lived there and I think it is something I wish to pursue, but wish to hear from the "expert expats" who can hopefully help me make my decision. Without sounding like I am on a dating site : I am a 37 year old single female who lives in Sydney (on the beach) and in my spare time enjoys social events, outings, pubs (not clubs), and generally enjoying good company.
Am I correct in thinking that HK can provide me with a similar lifestyle? Also, is it easy enough to adapt to the small apartments as I think I will have to share - monthly budget would be $10,000 - $15,000 per month on accommodation (I currently live in a 80sqm 2 bedroom unit) with outdoor area. But.... where???