Work Permit Application -- Which way is faster?

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2009

    Work Permit Application -- Which way is faster?

    Hi, I have been offered a job in HK, the starting date is July. I just received the letter of appointment today. Now I need to apply for work Visa, I am currently residing in the US. It seems to me there are 3 ways to go about doing things

    1.) Apply the work permit through my company: fill up the forms and send them back the the HR person. My company will collect the permit label for me.

    2.) Apply the work permit by myself: fill up the forms and send them to the HK Immigration office. HK Immigration office will mail me the permit label.

    3.) Go to HK with visitor Visa (can stay up to 90 days), apply the permit in person. Once I received the permit, go to Macao and reenter HK.

    Which way is the fastest? I am flexible in terms of travel and I really want to start the job in July.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    well it usually takes 4-6 weeks assuming your paperwork is in order.

    You can't apply yourself as the company sponsoring you has to complete all the necessary paperwork.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    I would opt for #3, and spend the time while waiting for your visa to find an area to live (though you wouldn't be able to sign/move in until you have the visa and ID card, but at least you'd have a better idea of what you like)

    of course you can apply yourself, just take the company's paperwork with you in addition to your own.

  4. #4

    I am in the same boat as Estilo, and I am just wondering if I travel to Honkong first with the visitor's visa, can I work while waiting for the working permit?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    No. What would be the point of the work visa in that case?

  6. #6

    yes, agree... me being a bit silly...
    so how long does it usually take? I know IMMD says 4-6 weeks, but seems like many have waited longer than long have you all waited back then?

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    If your employer has successfully sponsored Employment Visas previously and if you supply at the first attempt all the supporting documentation that they ask for then 4-6 weeks is normal. But 8+ weeks is not unusual. Every instance on which they come back to ask for further documents tends to add 2 weeks to the process.

    So if you aren't sure if they need a copy of a document then include it in the application just in case.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In da Uk? Hey, wha happen?

    Probably shouldn't commit this to print, but...

    I have a friend, someone very close to me, who has twice arrived in HKG on a tourist visa and has been able to receive an employment visa within 6 weeks. This person's employer started the visa application prior to his arrival, and the visa was issued well before the 90 day tourist visa expired. It is necessary to leave the SAR to activate the employment visa, as it is confirmed when you enter. The HKID will send you a sticker, you apply that to your passport and the ID agent at the airport pastes another sticker in your passport and stamps the employment visa.

    Of course, I don't recommend this as it is technically illegal, but like I said, my friend has done it twice...

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    That's not illegal so long as the person doesn't start working before the Employment Visa is granted. Nothing wrong with starting the process while outside HK then coming here to check up on places to live and so on whilst the application is in process.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In da Uk? Hey, wha happen?

    Oh no, my friend wasn't working. But once he started, he did receive a rather large initial paycheck, almost like it was for two months. Some special custom in Hong Kong apparently...

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