Anything we should bring out from UK?

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  1. #41

    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Sai Kung

    AMERICAN??????? OMG, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i'm canadian...LOL!

    ps> thanks claire, i had no idea what it was, only that some recipes called for it... i could have saved myself ages if i'd just mixed up my own!

  2. #42

    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Hong Kong

    Thanks, Claire. Luckily I don't bake, ha ha! It'll be mainly spices used in Indian cooking that I'll miss, but I'm sure I'll be able to buy them on holiday in the region.

  3. #43

    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Sarcasm - because beating the crap out of people is illegal

    carang, you can mix up your own baking powder, not the cream of tartar - and you can't substitute COT with BP.

    When I learnt to bake (at home and school), we had to make the baking powder from the two ingredients because "real" baking powder cost more and we had to be good housewives-in-the-making and not waste our future husbands' money! And no, this wasn't the 1950s!!! LOL

  4. #44

    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Sarcasm - because beating the crap out of people is illegal

    Beanie, there are plenty of Indian food stores in Hong Kong. You'll have no problem buying them.

  5. #45

    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Sai Kung

    ahhh...thanks for the clarification...duh!

  6. #46

    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Crumpets are also in Olivers

    Going back to the spices, the basics are available in pretty every supermarket, priced from HK$25 a pot and upwards. What I was thinking of was the mixed ones. If there's, say, a chicken rub or seasoning herb or spice blend you use, then bring some with you. It might be a while before you find it here.

    Indian spices you shouldn't have too many problems with here and the joy of living here is that you can pick up loads of 'exotic' herbs, fresh (I love that I can buy lemongrass stalks just about anywhere).

  7. #47

    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Hong Kong

    Thanks, Katie! No I don't really use any blends, so looks like it won't be a problem then. Looking forward to trying all the exotic fresh herbs!

  8. #48

    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Causeway Bay

    Beanie, if you prefer fresh, you'll be fine here in HK.

    For the difficult to find fresh herbs such as rosemary, mint, oregano etc I simply grow my own in pots on the balcony.

    When we travel, we always stock up on the following -

    Deodorant (mitchum not available)
    Tampons (only one inferior brand here)
    Low calorie desserts (the instant kind)
    Beauty products (cleansers, make-up etc)
    XXX Mints (nothing like them here)
    Smoky tobasco sauce
    If planning to grow your own herb, bring seeds from home. Gardening shops here are few and far between.

    If you cook with fresh cream, please be aware that fresh cream is not available in Hong Kong, AT ALL. UHT Cream is the only available cream.

    Have fun, welcome to HK!

  9. #49

    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Hong Kong

    No tampax, oh no!! WOuld use up an awful lot of my luggage allowance to bring a year's supply with me What brand is available?

  10. #50

    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Sai Kung

    tampax is available as is OB (used to be the only one available, but that was about 14 years ago!) and playtex.... don't know where melbourne shops as almost every supermarket carries some form of tampon.

    but the selection of tampons is not great. they are more of a western thing. most chinese use pads, of which there is a large variety.

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