it's quite an interesting phenomenom in CX then...
how would I manage this diversified group of guys, all working on similar project, and getting paid differently
like what babara said, the lowly paid guys will be grouchy and unhappy
if CX is paying below market rate to the lowest paid guy, then the lowest paid guy wld go because he is not getting what he is worth, and his colleague are getting much more than him.
if CX is already paying right at market rate to the lowest guy, the person will hold a grudge and probably choose to go elsewhere where he gets almost same pay as others. unless in his view, the prospect in CX is much better then he wld wnat to stay for the future potential.
if CX pays above market rate to the lowest guy, then obviously the guy will find it difficult going anywhere else. and those that are paid the expat packages, will either have to be contributing alot more than what's normally expected of the job, or wld feel threatened as any cost cutting move will target them first or their contracts will not be extended.
so end of the day, i'd prob not want to buy CX shares as the management seems not to be able to control such situations.
anyway on expat package. coolgirl and my views are similar, probably because we are from similar employment background. we are both from european banks and the market is extremely hot for ppl these days. yet i don't think anyone is being employed on expat packages anymore. unless its a really niche place like a boutique fund etc that employs just 1 or 2 person etc. reason, i think is similar to what i have said. u create too big a drift between the local employees and the foreign employees, and u are going to have difficulties retaining ppl...