This is an excellent and very helpful site! I have been following the various discussion threads as part of my research for a possible move to HK in early 2004 and have learnt a lot from you all. I am now hoping for some personal feedback...I have a well-paid career in Australia. My partner of a year has just recently moved to HK to an engineering role where his career prospects are looking very good. He is living there now and we very much want to be together. Unfortunately, I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that if I move to HK I will have great difficulty in obtaining any employment at all. I have a political science degree, have had had numerous roles over the years and am currently a Community Relations Manager working in the area of major civil infrastructure projects. My main focus is key external stakeholder relations, governmental and corporate relations and communications, team management. While I am not tied to staying in the same role as I currently have, my surfing of the jobs sites shows that sponsorship and language could/will be a huge problem. I speak no Mandarin or Chinese.
Living in HK without an interesting career and opportunities would be totally unbearable for me. I am a it time to say goodbye to my man?