Hi all,
I am due to graduate next year, and have accepted a job with a large investment bank in HK.
This forum is wonderful, it has many answers to questions that I've been dying to ask, but didn't dare ask the recruiters at my future company.
My biggest question I want to know is regarding my girlfriend. We are both Chinese (though we hold US citizenship), and though we go to different schools, we are both due to graduate this year.
However, she has missed the boat in recruiting and is having difficulties getting interviews in HK.
I am thinking of just asking her to come to HK with me first and look for a job.
However, some of my friends have suggested that Is it easier to get a job over in the US, and get posted to HK, while others have suggested that is it better to just go to HK and start looking.
As long as her starting pay is reasonable, she will be willing to take it. My salary is pretty good, so I will be able to support her.
1) What is a 'reasonable' salary in HK? (she's looking for a middle office/back office ibanking job)
2) Is the industry in HK very competitive? (she's originally from Shanghai, and speaks no or little cantonese, but very fluent English, PuTongHua and Shanghainese as well as some Spanish)
3) How are the hours in HK like? I have interned last summer as an ib analyst in ny, so i'm aware of the hours. but is HK the same?
4) Are there any young people my age (i am just 21) who are sent as expats? Most of my peers are staying on in New York.
I also have offers to work in New York, but my parents are originally from China and they want me to go back.. ( i also speak no cantonese, but NY office has assured me it is ok)
I'm from a top ten school, and she from a top twenty (both of us have strong CVs), so reputationwise, i'm sure HK HR for ibanks should be ok with us.
Thank you in advanced for the help.
We are both confused as to what to do.
(yes, she is my serious girlfriend, and that is why i am asking all these)