Air pollution: How do we compare to mexico city?

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  1. #1

    Question Air pollution: How do we compare to mexico city?

    I know what hong kong air has been like over the past decade and i feel like its just getting worse and worse, despite govt efforts to do improve it.

    Heard that mexico city is the worst but i feel that we're not far behind in terms of air pollution, anyone been in mexico city?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    I lived there for two years before coming to HK in January, and HK's pollution is nothing compared to there.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by gofer067:
    despite govt efforts to do improve it.
    What govt. efforts? Is there another Hong Kong?

    I don't know Mexico, but HK is still better than Guangzhou.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Hong Kong

    Give it a few more years and we might overtake Mexico thanks to China..

  5. #5

    I'm from mexico city, born and raised! And i can tell you that people complain about the polution and smog in hong kong... i dont notice it!! HK is a far way behind df for the smog!!!

  6. #6

    Yeah. I was in Santiago de Chile (really polluted city) and everyday I woke up in the middle of night with itchy red eyes....(no, it was not because of all the beers lol)
    DF is really bad
    HK is nothing compared, but still, we don't want to get to "that" point...

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Expatriate:
    What govt. efforts? Is there another Hong Kong?

    I don't know Mexico, but HK is still better than Guangzhou.
    lol, I agree, I was in GZ 2 years ago, the air poo-llution from cars is absolutely horrendous. Crappy air in HK, unfortuantely, keep getting asthma attacks, not even funny, and I"m like so healthy in Canada.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Wan chai

    Hong Kong polution vs Rome

    Hello I just Moved here after living in Rome for 3 years. My family experienced ahsma like conditions and you couldn't see the mountains ever. Hong Kong has been a relief so the grass is greenner here and the air is cleaner.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    You can smell the pollution in Mexico City. Folks that complain about HK are exaggerating the problems. Frankly I dont notice it. Discern from the humidity versus the pollution. Just because some overweight out of shape expat cant breathe may not have anythign to do with pollutants. Like London is the cleanest city in the world.