Register for free here: Hong Kong Handheld & Mobile Learning Festival - Eventbrite
The Festival will be a platform for sharing and information on contemporary developments in the area of handheld and mobile learning, featuring
innovative uses of these technologies in Hong Kong educational institutions.
The speakers, panel members and presenters, all experienced education professionals, will provide insight into the latest technologies which have the
potential to transform education and how they are being used to support and develop learning.
Aims: To share best practices, promote partnerships and inform on developments in the area of handheld and mobile learning.
Audience: Educators in Hong Kong from Elementary, Primary, Secondary and Tertiary sectors. We also welcome educational media publishers, instructional
designers, and software/hardware developers and telecommunication professionals.
The University of Hong Kong,
Meng Wah Complex Lecture Theater T1,
and Run Me Shaw Building 2/F,
Rooms 202, 203, 204, 205, 206.