I have an education related question, and I have already received some small helpful information that might apply.
The issue that seems to complicate things is that HK is changing their educational system, and it won't take full effect until 2012.
As I understood it, international students had to take additional school or something to qualify for entry at the same level as HK students. Under the new system, they should be more like international requirements were graduating high school students should be able to apply directly. However, this is only the brief explanation that has been provided to me, and I don't fully understand it.
To complicate issues, anytime I contact the local school, the person I am asking questions to has no idea what is going on, or how to address my issues. It seems that people in Hong Kong are almost Autistic in that, unless you fit in their nice and neat boxes, they panic and get confused. (I am not trying to make fun of Autistic people, but merely using it as a means to colorfully describe a behavior.)