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not qualified one bit, but worth doing a course in HK ?

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Heathrow, UK.

    not qualified one bit, but worth doing a course in HK ?

    hi if i come to hong kong without qualifications, can i still enrol in classes to learn say english, or a electrician/locksmith course?..
    something. undecided.

    i am still in the UK, but just wondered should i stay in the UK and do a course, or just come to HK and do one.

    my partner is a permanent HK resident, and will have me in HKG as a dependent spouse.
    i am a british citizen , and native / speak fluent english.

    hopefully one day, that course, or something will get me into some kind of better work.

    thanks ............

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by m4nn:
    hi if i come to hong kong without qualifications, can i still enrol in classes to learn say english, or a electrician/locksmith course?..
    something. undecided.

    i am still in the UK, but just wondered should i stay in the UK and do a course, or just come to HK and do one.

    my partner is a permanent HK resident, and will have me in HKG as a dependent spouse.
    i am a british citizen , and native / speak fluent english.

    hopefully one day, that course, or something will get me into some kind of better work.

    thanks ............
    Is that a mistake, that you want to learn English? You say you are a Native English speaker. As far as trade courses go, I don't think you'll find any in English as they are all aimed at the local population. That sort of course you should definitely do back in the UK but as far as work is concerned, I think opportunities will be limited though there are, I believe a few English-speaking tradesmen who work here independently.

    What is your current profession?
    Football16 likes this.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Heathrow, UK.

    thanks, meant just a course in something to better myself and get some sort of qualification.

    i currently work for British Airways airside.
    would try my chance at the airport there in HKG.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Learn Cantonese as you'll need it if you wish to work at the airport again.

    Do a trade back in UK as FIona has said, Plumbing, building, electrical etc etc won't be done in English here.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Tuen Mun

    Maybe he meant TESOL? That might be a good option for you...

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by bryant.english:
    Maybe he meant TESOL? That might be a good option for you...
    True but then where's he going to get the practical experience from? Without coaching/training background or a degree to back it up it'll be tough

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    tung chung, hong kong

    You say partner - are you married??

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Tuen Mun
    Quote Originally Posted by jimbo:
    True but then where's he going to get the practical experience from? Without coaching/training background or a degree to back it up it'll be tough
    TESOL will give him a small amount of prac. I did volunteer English teaching in the UK with my local authority to gain experience.

    You could also take a low paying job as an assistant in a centre, by low I mean 14k!! There are many countries deperate for English teachers and he could pick up roles in nearby countries like Vietnam/Cambodia/Laos and even Thailand very easily.

    To the OP - let me know if you want more info. about these ideas.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Sarcasm - because beating the crap out of people is illegal
    Quote Originally Posted by Tung Chung mum:
    You say partner - are you married??
    Not only are you married but are you of the opposite sex of your 'partner'? Same-sex marriages are not recognised in Hong Kong, nor are civil relationships.

    Vocational training is done, by and large, in the local language (Cantonese). And admission requirements also include an HKCEE Grade E or above in Chinese language.
    Last edited by Claire ex-ax; 28-02-2012 at 10:59 AM.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Heathrow, UK.
    Quote Originally Posted by bryant.english:
    TESOL will give him a small amount of prac. I did volunteer English teaching in the UK with my local authority to gain experience.

    You could also take a low paying job as an assistant in a centre, by low I mean 14k!! There are many countries deperate for English teachers and he could pick up roles in nearby countries like Vietnam/Cambodia/Laos and even Thailand very easily.

    To the OP - let me know if you want more info. about these ideas.
    many thanks, true.
    messaged you.

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