Hi All,
I would like to do a bachelors degree through a local university in Information Technology. The problem now is that i have Advance Diploma in IT from Informatics and poor grades in HKCEE (6 points). therefore local university are not accepting this as a local qualification and also do not accept me as a non-local applicant due to i have a permanent ID card with British Passport...
Im 20, with 5 years working experience as a designer & programmer (2 years full time) as i was doing the diploma in part time.
I first tried HKDI for some 1 year higher diploma because i though doing 1 year may help me getting in to any local university but i got rejected by HKDI, VTC & HKCC due to my qualification. I tried a lot to convince that i am suitable for admission also i have good working experience and a big portfolio of websites and graphics i designed, that all was useless...
This left me with Associate degree option, (Anywhere good to get an Associate Degree?) then try for bachelors in HKUST...
I searched the HKUST website for any changes they allow students with experience to be enrolled in their courses but they are only allowing someone with international achievements like Maths/Physic Olympiad.... I am a certified Ethical Hacker, Can work on anything to hack or help...
Lastly, What i want is a degree from a local university ... Thats it. I have a good job, well paid, a good future in IT but im just 20 and would like to enjoy my school life before its too late...
Any helps please?