The current system of only having a few school text book publishers and tinkering with the policy of will they / wont they bundle teachers material has not and will not result in cheaper books.
Average expenditure 2008 2009 2010
on textbooks
Primary School $2,153 $2,032 $2,091
Secondary School $1,947 $1,796 $2,016
The only way to get cheaper books is to introduce competition and allow different approaches. Education publishers obviously look to increase the perceived value of books to improve margins. This results in the use of high quality paper, lots of colour photos, pretty colour charts and funcky layouts but with minimal web based supplementary content for teachers/schools to use such as tests, quizzes, discussion forums etc.
The Government is planing some sort of 'pro-active' scheme that will allow more 'control' of book publishing.
This looks like a way of bring school book publishing back under the control of the Education (and Ministry of Culture and Information) Department. - Categories - At School, At Work - E-textbook subsidy mooted
Do you trust the Government to do the right thing and open up the industry to new politically neutral entrants?
Are school textbooks too 'fancy'?
Will e-books work for schools?