Any kids from DB going to ESF Kennedy school? HELP!

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    Any kids from DB going to ESF Kennedy school? HELP!

    We are moving to DB in August and I would like to know if they are many parents in the same situation. My son is 4 years old and will start at Kennedy this August. This is a long commute and want to know how other parents do it. I may try to sign for DB ESF but I think it may be impossible to get in.
    Does everybody take the ferry to the Pier or some moms get together and take turns??

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Hong Kong Island

    hi..i don't live in DB, but i did go to kennedy...and wis...and my sis goes to kennedy right now...
    there are a lot of kids from DB, and the bus goes to and from the ferry im sure u'll b able to find a ton of parents in a similar position...
    i guess u guys can of course work out a "car pooling" or..ferry pooling...system, would probably make it a lot easier for everyone.

    maybe even check out kids from other schools (primary and secondary), if school buses all leave around the same time/place, it shouldn't be a problem

    good luck!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    DB to Kennedy is a very long way to travel twice a day for a 4 year old. Are you in HK already or moving in from overseas?

    I know some kids do this, but you should really think this through...

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    Thank you for your input. I am in HK but circunstance are making us move to DB after our son was already accepted into ESF Kennedy. This is NOT the most "ideal" situation, and I wish the school system in DB was better, but this is how things are now and I am just try the best way to make it work. I suppose what I am really looking for is how to find people that ferry pool to the bus stop. I work from home and I won't be able to travel with my son every day 4 times a day and we dont have a helper. I am sure I will be able to negotiate with my boss one or 2 trips a week but every day may be difficult.
    If there is anybody what will like to make a group and share the trips with me, I will like to hear from you. Thanks!

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    Also, I was thinking maybe an older kid would like to help with this? or a helper already going every day... I am not sure if these may be crazy ideas but just something that came to my mind.

  6. #6

    Get a helper

    Get a helper. Worth it just for this alone.

  7. #7

    We just moved to DB, same situation as you. my son is 9yrs old and will go to Kennedy school in aug. we can meet b4 school starts. we live in phase 4 Peninsula village, how about u? see if we can make up some plans!