Update on an Old Thread

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  1. #1

    Thumbs up Update on an Old Thread

    Hi there,

    Currently I am in Australia and am looking for a Teaching job in HK. I have exhausted most avenues for job seeking. I have tried the SCMP, the NET scheme, and other smaller organisations in HK. It is very cloudy and unclear why I failed to be accepted in the NET scheme; however I present myself very well and am professionally qualified to work through the EMB scheme. I would say it is luck of the draw.

    I have not stopped surfing the net for teaching jobs. But I think a solid lead might be helpfull under these circumstances. If any one of you teachers on this site is at a school that needs a teacher, please e-mail me. I have a current Australian police clearance and excellent referees.

    I do know that half my problem is lack of experience. But it appears a paradox when I have heard the EMB has also hired teachers who are undergoing study for a PGDE. If you are looking for an honest and professional teacher, please let me know.



  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Are you presently in Hong Kong? A lot of companies will only hire if they can meet you face to face. NET scheme does not require you to be here, but they also have a lot of application so it may not be easy to get in first year. You may want to find something else to start and continue trying to get in to NET in the meantime.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    If you are a trained teacher, there is no reason why you aren't getting a job unless you are not trained in ESL/English Language. Many schools have wisened up and choosing to be without a NET if the NET is not properly qualified or with the necessary experience in ESL.

    Try coming to Hong Kong and getting a private school job. Then try again in the NET scheme. However, having said that, it has been said that if you can't pass the interview overseas, there is little chance you'll pass the interview here. It's even tougher here.

    Last edited by minhk; 24-06-2008 at 12:00 PM.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Austeach: Have you looked into getting a Working Holiday visa. If you are Australian (obviously you are), between 18-30 and have financial proof of not less than AUS$5,000 then stop "surfing the net" and come on down (up) here! Once you are in HK you can right away do some private tutoring or work at a language centre. In the meantime you can keep looking for other work. You might find that you get more replies if you are physically in HK. Good luck!

  5. #5


    Thanks for replying peeps, I am well qualified and have 2.6 years Teaching experience. But trying to get a job in TESOL in Melbourne is similar to finding a needle in a haystack. ESL has taken a dive in Australia, to the point of collapse. Employers are unwilling to hire you if you don't have more than 4 years experience, that has been the case so far. Besides, there is CRT work, but only when it is available.

    All the posters observations are accurate. Most employers won't respond to you if you are not in Hong Kong. Although, not every teacher has $5,000 in the bank. I certainly can't for that reason pack my bags and fly over; even though it is a good suggestion. I guess I will bide my time and keep surfing the net.

    Thanks peeps.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    we are already here

    Hey Austeach

    We got here 2 weeks ago so early days yet, we gave up good teaching positions in the UK to meet Face to face with employers and stand a better chance of getting jobs.

    Well honestly interviews seems to be thin on the ground and we have applied for EVERY job on SCMP, Jobs DB, career times to boot.

    Batchelor's check
    PGCE check
    Experience check
    Interviews ????

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong
    Quote Originally Posted by Wandi:
    Batchelor's check
    Spelling Fail

    Eminently well-suited to be an English teacher in Hong Kong then.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Sarcasm - because beating the crap out of people is illegal
    Quote Originally Posted by Wandi:
    Hey Austeach

    We got here 2 weeks ago so early days yet, we gave up good teaching positions in the UK to meet Face to face with employers and stand a better chance of getting jobs.

    Well honestly interviews seems to be thin on the ground and we have applied for EVERY job on SCMP, Jobs DB, career times to boot.
    1. Global recession - not too many people hiring.
    2. Major recruitment for schools is before the academic year starts (in HK, it's September).
    3. So-called "learning/tutorial centres" will pretty much take anyone but sometimes don't do the whole visa thing/screw their employees.
    4. Parents are cutting back on tutors for their children (again, the whole recession thing) and even "learning/tutorial centres do not need to recruit so much.
    5. Some places advertise to get responses for various reasons even when there is no job available.
    6. It's not about applying for "everything"; it's about applying for the right thing.

    Have you tried the government's NET scheme?

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Back in Toronto now - after 10 1/2 years in HK

    Hey PDLM, there IS a soup brand spelt that way!

    Reminds me - a young exchange teacher from England had to come all the way and live with us in our boarding school in India (ages ago) to learn that seven is not spelt severn after the river back home. Other than that, a truly excellent teacher. So, cut Wandi some slack. (I know, before you say it, would-be employers may not - so they do need perfect spelling on their resumes).

  10. #10

    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by PDLM:
    Spelling Fail

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