Hi everyone!

This is my first time posting. I hope someone can guide me or help me in this.

I am a student from Singapore, I am thinking of further studying in Hong Kong for a Degree. I am graduating with a Diploma this coming June. I went to Hong Kong once with my formal school and I fell in love since then. I wanna settle down in Hong Kong if I can..

I have done research for the courses that I want, I am studying Video Production here in Singapore. I have three school in my mind,

1. Hong Kong Baptist University (Academy of Film)

2. Hong Kong Design Institute
Visual Communication in (moving image)

3. Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
(film and tv)
but sadly, the application has closed.

I wanna enroll this year, but I still couldn't decide which school to go. If I would to choose 3. I need to wait for a year. Which I dont want too because I dont wanna waste time as well. What I wanna come out from this degree is to do Producing / Managing for company, doing videos or film.

Hope someone can help me with this.

Thank you so much.