ESF announces school fees to increase 5% next school year. Any other schools raising fees?
For the coming school year, the tuition fees for year one to six students will rise 4.99 percent to HK$132,500 from HK$126,200 - or HK$630 more each month.
For year seven to nine students, parents will have to pay HK$680 more per month as the annual tuition fees will be increased to HK$173,900 from HK$167,100 - a 4.07 percent hike.
Students in year 10 and 11 will see a 4.68 percent fee rise to HK$152,200 a year from HK$145,400 - or HK$680 more a month.
For year 12 and 13 students, their parents will have to pay HK$720 more a month, as their annual tuition fees will rise 4.71 percent to HK$160,100 from HK$152,900.'