Looking for a big bookstore in Central.. somewhere I could buy GMAT books.. I'm new so have no idea where to look..
Looking for a big bookstore in Central.. somewhere I could buy GMAT books.. I'm new so have no idea where to look..
Dymocks in IFC Mall should have that kind of thing. Or you should be able to order them online via shopinhk.com (related to Geoexpat) for a slightly wider range.
Ha. I'd have to revise the "slightly wider" part then
ha thanks =) i just bought them online
hey spooky.. I'm only in HK for a year and will be moving back to NY sometime in Feb of next year. I'm looking to apply to NY schools in Sept to start school in Spring of 2010.. I haven't decided whether it will be full-time or not.. I suppose it depends if I have a job or not. It will certainly be very tough to get into schools.. since so many jobs have been lost and most people are looking to go back to school.. so it's certainly not a definite.. I'm hoping a year abroad in HK will help my application.. (I do have 4 years of experience in credit derivatives market.... but quit my job in NY and hopped on a plane to HK)
what are your thoughts?
hi JJO, hehe... I'm not even in HK. I can't afford a MBA on my own, so I self-medicate a healthy dose of business readings. Literally one library at a time, book shelf by book shelf.... management bks, investing, consulting, general business theory, Asian management systems...etc. I think I am up to 80 - 90 books.
hope you don't mind me asking, but how would one year in HK help your application ? I am not familiar of the US system...
haha well spooky - I dont know if it really will help my application.. it will certainly set me apart from a lot of applicants.. but I don't know what a huge help it actually will be. I figure if they are looking at two applicants with similar work experience and similar gmat scores.. they would probably push through the one with global experience over the one without.. but we will see =)
You sound like you are giving yourself more of an education than any business school could give. Good job. Do you work in Finance?