University Acceptance Period for HK University

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Post University Acceptance Period for HK University

    Hello everyone,

    I am an expat from Canada, I myself have actually finished a Bachelor degree in a Business-related program around two years ago. Since then I have been working Full Time. My grades in my University and High school fall into the average of B (75 or 76). While I am not sure, how the local HK university evaluate my grades. Recently I have applied for Poly U and City U for their stat bachelor program, hoping to better my career path in the future. I am a citizen of HK, but have been studying in Canada since a child. In my application, I have applied a local for non-jupas category. It has been 2 months or so since I have applied the programs, as I check the online application it was always UNDER REVIEW. Because I am not used to the HK education system, I would like to know what is the range of time for the first wave of applicant to know if they are offer an acceptance? Because in Canada, the first round of acceptance is around April and later in May or June. I have previously asked my coworkers whom study in university of HK, and she told me that before she actually got her notice just a week before school start. I am really anxious to know different phase time of applicant notice.

    I hope that someone that have similar experience or aware of the process could answer my inquiry.

    Thank you for any response : )


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Acceptance period

    It depends on the last date for the application. should be within 7 or 8 weeks from the closing date. Recently one of my friend got the result as "unsucessful". Took nearly 7 weeks for that result to come.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Really? The City U Application deadline was end of Feb and Poly U was beginning of April... I check regularly every week and so far it is STILL UNDER REVIEW for both application ...

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    If your application closing date is Feb, you results must be on the way. If april, u can wait another 6 weeks for the results to come. What degree have you applied for? Is it bachelors degree?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Yea sadly it will be my second bachelor degree ... Since the first one will not get me to where I wanted to pursue in my career. All my friends or people that has been studying locally in HK told me not to worry ... So all I can do now is wait ...