International Schools in Hong Kong

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    International Schools in Hong Kong

    Hi All,

    My family and I just moved to HK and I have a few questions regarding International School in HK:

    1. From the website it seems that Singapore International School and Chinese International School are very similar in a way that both schools are using bilingual (English & Chinese) education system. So, which is better? SIS or CIS?

    2. How about German Swiss International School and Canadian International School? I heard that GSIS is a good school but i don't know anything about CanadianIS.

    Your Opinion is very much appreciated.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    CIS is one of the top schools in HK, it's very academic. SIS is second tier and facilities aren't quite as nice but it's not a bad place.

    CDNIS is an excellent school offering full IB with an extremely lively program. A lot more sporty than CIS or GSIS with very nice facilities, sporting trips overseas etc.... GSIS has a strong academic program and will have excellent facilities once their new campus opens.

    CIS and CDNIS have a very very high percentage of local kids(90%+), GSIS slightly less.

    HKIS and ESF have the brunt of the caucasian kids if that matters to you...