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  • 1 Post By silentbob

109 Repulse Bay

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  1. #1

    109 Repulse Bay

    Does anyone out there have an opinion on 109 Repulse Bay? Whether it is over-priced/over-rated or if it is worth the money? Since I don't plan on having a car, it seems very convenient, with the preschool, grocery shop, doctor's offices, and other. There also seems to be a lot of kids, which will make it easier to send my kids out to play on the playground.

    Would appreciate any feedback. Thanks!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    109 repulse bay is great - centrally located for southside and proximity into Central. They have shuttles buses going to Admiralty and Central. Doctor/Pediatricians, Wellcome, Pacific Coffee, a few restaurants and of course the beach is there. I have heard (I live in Tai Tam), that the flats a quite small can get a much bigger space for same price in Tai Tam, Stanley, Pokfulham, South Bay etc....

  3. #3

    We are staying at 109 Repulse bay in the Serviced Apartments, called de Ricou. Overall the complex is quite nice, for all of the reasons stated above around convenience. We found the serviced apartments to be a bit old for our tastes, and would definitely have preferred hardwood floors vs the carpet, which as a bit of a musty smell to it.

    The service there however, is impeccable, the desk staff are extremely friendly and helpful. The club facilities are top notch and one of the few places we saw that have an indoor olympic-sized pool. It's also convenient to have the bus stop right in front of the complex, so getting to Stanley and Central are easy.

    One drawback, which probably only is relevant to the serviced apartments is that you cannot get broadband from the company and need to call PCCW to come and install it. I haven't tried this myself, but suspect they may not be very willing to do only one month of service, so we bought a USB modem.

    We have a 7 month old and in taking him to the playground, find lots of kids there afterschool, but one thing that took a bit of getting used to is that most of the kids are there with their helpers, so we did not meet a lot of actual parents.

    We've done extensive househunting in DB, HK Parkview, TaiTam, Stanley, and mid-levels, so let me know if you have additional questions.

  4. #4

    well, since my last post, I've returned from a week long business trip in Japan and I must say, I've had to revise my opinion of the Serviced Apartments. This past week, whilst I was away:

    -the heater in one of our bedrooms failed again, after being repaired a few days ago.
    -The one working heater in the house, in the master bedroom emits a burning-like odour
    -we have no hot water in one of our bathrooms, so I could not shower after I got home from the airport. Luckily, the club was still open, so I went there.

    In addition, during our first week there, we had the heater break (the first time) and the sink leak and flood the kitchen.

    While the staff is top notch and the issues do get fixed, at this point the HK Parkview is looking better and better for our 2nd month in a Serviced Appartment while waiting to move into our permanent home.

    etotheipi likes this.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Hong Kong

    I ended up at Harbourview Place (three months) and then de Ricou (two weeks now). The contrast in furnishings is night and day: modern vs., well, "colonial" perhaps, but I don't have anything to complain about yet apart from the slightly older carpets (as mentioned above).

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Hong Kong

    The older carpets actually turned out to be an allergy problem, even though the staff were helpful and steam-cleaned the room. We prefer the Lily (129 Repulse Bay) because of the mustiness.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Expensive, but yes Repulse Bay is very nice.